Conflict Resolution

We live in a world where conflict is typically not resolved.  Most people grow up with styles of conflict that are reactionary rather than proactive.  The majority of  people have never been exposed to any training at school or in the workplace to separate the problem from the person.     What we witness is conflicts that can continue for years, or are revolving door conflicts (keep coming back) or people separate by leaving in order to find peace from the conflict. 

All conflicts are opportunities in disguise and they are there for us to learn about ourselves and others.  Silence is not peace and when students and staff learn how to communicate, to listen, to develop empathy and the skills to resolve conflict, then cultures of peace in schools and workplaces arise and the true potential of people can be realised.

Historically conflict resolution is a new discipline and emerged as a result of the Cold War.   During the 1950’s and 60’s peace institutes and centres were funded and the area of peace research started to be utilised to assist in preventing future conflicts.   There were many who were involved in its development including the most notable:  Mahatma Gandhi,  Elise & Kenneth Boulding,  Betty Reardon, Roger Fisher, William Ury, Adam Curle, John Burton and Johan Galtung (considered the father of peace research).    Conflict resolution is also known as alternative dispute resolution and includes:  arbitration, mediation, conciliation, negotiation and mixed processes. 

WorldPeacefull workshops focus on a 55 minute for primary schools or those interested in an overview. A two hour workshop is available to go into more depth and to apply techniques experientially to understand perceptions, how people impact on others, listening skills, problem solving, mediation, I-statements, conflict role play and personal inquiry.  

The workshops have been developed for both primary (55 minute) and secondary students (2 hours), however they are available for the communty.

Conflict Resolution (Primary/Elementary, Secondary)

Workshop Focus:
To understand the basic skills in conflict resolution
Target Audience:
All levels (primary, secondary and community)
55 minute session
Expected Outcomes:
To understand the dynamics of conflict and differences, perceptions and solving problems for a win/win. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of empathy in a bullying role play and the roots and shoots of conflict.

Link to Basics All Levels page.


REAL HOPES 4 Conflict Resolution (Primary/Elementary, Secondary, Community)

Workshop Focus: 
To understand what is conflict and conflict resolution skills
Target Audience: 
Secondary school and community
2 hours to half day
Expected Outcomes: 
Students will develop their perception around problems that issues are not black or white but are a reflection of how we feel, the way we see and how we interpret problems.  The 2 hour to half day workshop explores in greater depth – what is conflict, blindspots, perceptions, releasing anger, listening skills, I Statements, group problem solving, role plays and personal inquiry.  The role play and inquiry will be debriefed to explore how we deal with conflict and to examine our thoughts.  This workshop is experiential and children will have a deeper appreciation for the complexity of conflict and some experience in exploring conflict with a win/win in mind.

Link to REAL HOPES 4 Conflict Resolution page.